Deal or No Deal is a world-famous television game show hosted by Noel Edmunds, and sees contestants awarded cash prizes for selecting boxes containing what could be life-changing amounts. You’ll find that various Deal or No Deal adaptations already exist in the online slots world, however Blueprint Gaming have been bold and decided to give us another – Deal or No Deal: Double Action. With 16 bonus features to make use of there certainly should be enough action to keep you going for some time. Let’s see what Blueprint has cooked up.
Getting straight into the thick of things, everyone will find a maximum payout of £250,000.00 up for grabs, or 10,000x your bet. To get the full 250k you’ll need to be wagering at the highest possible bet, so if you prefer taking the conservative approach then start by wagering a little lower and start betting higher amounts as confidence grows. To make things a bit easier Blueprint Gaming has added a RTP of 96.57%, which will prevent you from losing all your funds providing the game is played with a decent strategy. There’s only 5 paylines in Deal or No Deal: Double Action, but with 16 possible bonus features we doubt you’ll feel too underwhelmed.
The look of the game itself isn’t too spectacular, but then again we’re quite sure Blueprint was going for a basic look and feel. The title carries a pub fruities theme – made famous by slot machines in pubs and casinos. Reels form part of a very busy screen, lying right at the bottom. Above the reels is what most people will recognise as the cash amounts, where players attempt to eliminate the lower volumes to win the remaining higher amounts. Other than the pay table there isn’t really much else to take note of. In most online slots you’ll have an attractive background, but here it’s just the pay table.
As mentioned earlier, Deal or No Deal: Double Action has a pub fruities theme, and therefore it’s quite obvious what symbols one can expect. You guessed it, they’re mostly fruit, consisting of plums, grapes, cherries, lemons and oranges. There is also a 7 symbol which can land. You’ll need to keep an eye out for numbers that can be attached to symbols falling on the reels. These serve a special function which can assist in extra winnings.
There’s so much going on in this game that it’s difficult to mention it all. By collecting the numbers attached to symbols you can activate the Super Board which lies just above the reels. There are various bonus features that can be claimed here, although they are randomly chosen by a random generator. Among the bonuses on offer should you trigger the Super Board are free spins, mystery symbols, cash prizes, extra feature addition and much more.
If the Super Board wasn’t enough there is also the Bonus that can be triggered by collecting just 4 numbers attached to symbols. There are a few things that can happen when you trigger the bonus. A light can start flashing around the screen, and where it stops is what you’ll be awarded; a respin can occur; a spin will happen that results in a win.
The upper left hand side of the screen displays a ladder of bonus features that can also be collected. Every time you collect one you’ll actively trigger it. These, too, consist of features such as free spins, cash prizes and multipliers.
The bonus functionality in Deal or No Deal: Double Action slot is so vast that it must have taken Blueprint Gaming an age to think all the features up. Luckily for us they did dedicate the time to making this title as jam packed as it is, mostly because there is so much to take advantage of that you have every chance of walking away with quite a bit more than what you went in with. The slot can be a little confusing, but like with all slots all you need to do is spin the reels, and the rest will take care of itself.